Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dental problem or Mental problem

Around 15 days back, i had a severe tooth ache. It was on and off. So, i have taken an appointment with a dentist near my house(Dr. Pamela not the Pamela Anderson just Pamela). She examined the tooth, took an x-ray and uttered the dreaded r-word. For those of you who don't know this dentist's r-word it is the root canal. She said the cavity is large enough and it reached the pulp, there is no way but to do a root canal which means drill up to the root put a small anchor and put an artificial cap on it. The Dr gave me some antibiotic and painkillers to be used for couple of days and make another visit after couple of days. Crestfallen, i fixed another appointment for a different date. I came home and shared this information with my wife. My wife was very upset since there was a root canal performed already on one of the nearby tooth and this is the next one. Her point is that there could be some more like this and i may end up having these cosmetic teeth all over. I looked at my teeth in the mirror. It wasn't a happy sight. My right cheek was paining very badly. I told myself let me try something, so i called up Dilbagh Singh; the one guy i know who cured a lot of his ailments using Yoga and Ayurveda. It was night around 8 O' clock on a Friday. Dilbagh Singh told me that my cavity could be cured but i should do what he says for 2 months. I said okay. These are his recommendations.
1) 15 minutes oil pulling in the morning.
2) No toothpaste. Tooth powder(Vicco Vajradanti to be used). A good massage to be given to gums and teeth have to be brushed with a soft tooth brush. This is to be done twice a day.
3) Washing mouth with salt water 4 times a day.
4) One hour of yoga daily. (minimum 20 mins of Kapalabhati pranayam).
I agreed to do all these. Immediately i ran to a local store purchased a new brush, tooth powder, and Sunflower oil for oil pulling and i got to my work. I didn't take any antibiotic or painkiller. First time i massaged my gums it was terrible. Some of my gums bled. That night i had a very bad sleep due to constant pain. I was continuously aware of the pain. I would sleep for a bit and the pain would wake me up. Next morning i did oil pulling, brushed my teeth, and massaged my gums. But there was persistent pain near the infected tooth. So much pain that any effort to move the jaw would cause a lot of inconvenience. I lived it. That night there was bleeding in gums . There was pain on Sunday as well. I thought i would give this up and get root canal done. I almost swallowed the pain-killer and antibiotic, but i told myself that i should prove to myself that Yoga and Ayurved works. I followed the routine on Sunday(day 2), the pain was still there. By day 3, pain subsided slightly. Whenever i do Yoga, pain would go away. If i didn't do Yoga on any given day, pain would come back. Now i am into the 14th day, and pain is 99 percent gone. I am able to chew with that tooth. Slight sensitiveness is there, but i am sure it would go away too. All other teeth are feeling better. Because of Yoga, i lost some weight and my general health has improved. Looking back, I can say that the pain i endured had a purpose. Biologically because of pain, there would be enough blood flow to that part so any infection in that part can be fought. If i had used a pain-killer that blood flow would have reduced and no healing would take place. Because of that pain, i became more disciplined and discovered for myself that pain is not the one that prevents one from moving further in a path; but it is the mind. Once i was aware of the resistence, my mind gradually relented. Now i can say with confidence Yoga and Ayurveda works like a miracle and i wouldn't have to attend any dentist in my lifetime.
A dental problem has cured a mental problem.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Wait.. How many times I heard this.  My earliest recollection of this word is when my mother used to say- wait wash your hands before you take your food.  I have heard about it repeatedly when my teachers used to ask me to wait for answers to my questions, wait for the results. I waited for holidays.  Waited for my degree, my job. Now I am waiting for something to happen to my life.  While I have been deluded with this word wait,  I have lost an important aspect - experiencing now.  All the time I waited for the result, I forgot to experience the journey.  My mother should have asked me to just wash my hands in scented water, my teachers would have told me interesting examples to address my questions, my teachers would have given me reasons to smile at my results whatever they may have been.  I am still struggling with the word wait. Any better teachers out there who can explain wait?